Grenada Grenadines 2000 Trains/ Railway/ Rail/ Locomotives/ Steam Engines/ Transport 2v m/s (s705u)
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More InformationGrenadines of Grenada (Carriacou & Petite Martinique) 2000 First Public Railways 175th Anniversary 2 value miniature sheet featuring George Stephenson with Locomotion No. 1 (1875) and George Stephenson's locomotive Rocket at Rainhill Trials (1829), margin illustrations include information and Portrait of George Stephenson - in superb u/m (mnh) condition - excellent country, people, engineering, trains, transport, rail, railways, locomotives, commerce, industry, history, animation thematics. If you cannot find the specific stamp set or thematic/topic you are looking for either here in my shop or at the brumstamp stamp shop on eBay please do not hesitate to contact me. Enjoy browsing and shopping. Andrea!